During the week end of 17th – 18th March emails were flying back and forth between Graham Grant, Douglas Macarthur, and Bill Nicol CC President airing our concerns regarding the lack of Province competition entries.

In the end of the day Graham sent an email direct to President Mike Watt which just summed up the situation with a bit of detail and asking the President to write clubs pointing out the issues

Hi Mike

My bleat to you and Bill re competition entries has prompted discussion?

Over the past few seasons I have reported at the Province AGM disappointment in the level of entries to various competitions. By that time it is of course too late Clubs have had their AGM’s and entries for the next season are complete and lodged.

If Clubs are to be made aware our concerns we should be writing to them along with the issue of Province AGM paperwork so that they can consider matters prior to deciding entries for the coming season. As Match Secretary my concern is competition entries but there may be other matters worthy of comment. To summarise my concerns: I know there are problems with Club memberships, age of membership, costs, Elgin ice quality, motivation to travel etc. but I would ask all clubs East and West to try their best to maintain at least present entry levels if not look to improve in some cases.


In the East we are down from the giddy heights of 7 Divisions to 5 can we at least maintain this or is there the possibility of improvement? Any Club considering withdrawing please think carefully if this is absolutely necessary.


This competition has held up fairly well. Hopefully this will continue. Concern is when the first round is played in Elgin. How many clubs from the West will appear?

This question applies to most other competitions. Have the West given up on Elgin. If so we need to consider the future of Province competitions?


There was a considerably reduced entry with no rinks from the West, could the West clubs please consider entering at least one per club.


Only 7 teams entered probably as many as we can manage or are there others?


Probably don’t want to go back to the good old days of 30 pairs (wishful thinking) as this led to very late finish although thoughts could be given to reorganising the competition. This season 10 pairs only surely we can do better please consider entering? Are there any West clubs available?

POINTS – 2 from each Club in East/West can enter probably too many but 11 in total?? Again where was the West?

An other point could Match Secretary’s please ensure that members they enter to competitions are willing to play or indeed know they have been entered as many entrants withdraw prior to competitions being played or as has happened in the past simply don’t turn up. This makes a mockery of doing draws preparing competition schedules booking ice etc.

Sorry have gone on a bit there but I am sure summary of points could be issued to Clubs by Douglas along with AGM paperwork. Quite happy if you think a meeting would be worthwhile, yourself, myself, Douglas and Colin to consider the matters.


An excellent summary from the East match Secretary which should instigate discussion at the AGM allowing of course for other issues affecting the above competitions.

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