All East Province leagues are complete and on the site in the usual place.
Leagues 1 to 4 are correct however league 5 May have 1 anomaly in it that will affect the placing and another two that require a ruling that will not affect the final league.
A written request was made to the executive along with details for their consideration and a decision and although the executive have met since the written request was made no decisions have been relayed.
You may? Why the web master is involved with this problem however it is quite simple.
For a number of years prior to Graham Grants passing I assisted him in checking the leagues prior to publication (scores only) and so carried on with Stuart Mackenzie when he agreed to see this seasons leagues to a conclusion.
This was okay till the anomalies were highlighted in division 5 which is the same league as he and his rink play in so he asked not to be involved in any clarification required.
As and when the executive consider the points raised and issue a conclusion I will post notification and conformation on league division 5.