The committee meeting held on Sunday the 18th of October 2015 at the Laichmoray Hotel was not quorate. Only two club representatives from the West attended; there was no representation from the East and only one apology was received.
Para 1 of the Moray Province Constitution and Rules clearly states that Moray Province “consists of those local clubs (hereinafter referred to as member clubs)”
Para 11 states that “a committee shall manage the affairs of the Province”
Para 14 states that “the quorum for a committee meeting shall be 8”
Para 15 states that “The Ordinary Meetings of the Committee shall be held at such times as fixed by the Committee and shall be convened by the Secretary upon a notice of not less than fourteen clear days”; currently October and February.
The Agenda for the Meeting arranged for the 18th was distributed by email to all
club secretaries and club representatives, as well as being posted on the Province website, within the prescribed timescale. Only two Committee Meetings are scheduled to take place during the curling season, namely in October and February with the venues alternating between the East and the West – hardly an onerous commitment; the changes to the Constitution and Rules adopted at the last AGM were designed to make it easy for clubs to send any nominated member to attend these Meetings. The affairs of the Province cannot be conducted properly unless the clubs’ representatives attend these meetings; this is not happening. The Executive have concluded that they are no longer prepared to hold meetings unless the clubs indicate that they will be attending and without these meetings the business of the Province cannot be carried out. There are Executive Committee members who are contemplating standing down at the next AGM because of the current situation. Without a positive commitment from the clubs, the Province is once again in danger of ceasing to function; this could have a very detrimental effect on the future of curling in Moray.
In order that the Committee is able to carry out the Province’s business, the Executive would like assurances from all the clubs, directed to the Secretary, that they will make every effort to ensure that a representative attends the two annual meetings in future.
Mike Pickthall
Web Master Comments
I write this not only as web master but as a curler active in the Province over the following period
1970 to 2000 committee member / Sect for 13 years President for 3. total 30 years + x years website + x years M P C D G.
In all that time and involvement with the Province I have never attended or heard of such a horrendous situation where a committee meeting could not produce a Quorum.
At most meetings at least one member of each club would attend and sometimes two, meetings would have a full agenda and participation was encouraged by the Chair
During the period I was President I introduced the fact that we must have meetings in October and February at least to allow all clubs to have their say in the running of the Province, and there would never be a situation where any club could say it was a closed shop run by the Executive
The lack of clubs attending committee meetings causes unrest among the club curlers assuming because they never hear from their reps what is going on in the Province that the exec are making all decisions.
Clubs must discuss the situation the Province has found itself in and assist the hard working executive to take progressive decisions with confidence that they have the clubs support.
Please respond to the Province Secretary as he has requested with a name and contact details of a person from your club that can be relied upon to attend any requested meeting or apologise for being unable to attend and name the person and contact details of who will replace them on that occasion.
Can I also suggest to the Province Executive that contacting the clubs that do not respond to the Secretaries appeal be shared out and verbal contact is made with each club and responses recorded so as they understand why clubs are not committing.
Once that is established I would suggest an extra meeting as soon as possible after clubs have declared their interest
To consolidate the Province and club commitment.
I sincerely hope no one thinks I have taken advantage of being web master, I am sure the Province Exec would be responsive to suggestions from any curler.
Bill Nicol
Moray Province Committee Meeting 18/10/2015.
Laichmoray Elgin.
Tonight Moray Province were due to hold a meeting that all Clubs were invited too.
ALL CLUBS are told about these meetings 14 days or more before they happen and a Province Club Rep or Club member are invited to attend to find out what’s happening and discuss the Province matters.
Tonight saw only 2 CLUBS REPS attend this meeting with BOTH coming through from the West! Not ONE Club Rep or Member from any East Clubs!!
This meant the Moray Province Committee Meeting didn’t have a Quorum to hold this meeting!
The Members of the Moray Province Executive give up a lot of their time so that you have a league and Knockouts to play in over the season.
The turn out to Moray Province Committee Meetings requires to be met so the Moray Province can continue to run in accordance with the Constitution!
Posted on behalf of the Moray Province Executive Committee.
If you have any feed back on this post please channel this through your Moray Province Club Rep or Club Secretary to pass this on to the Moray Province Executive Committee.