Please see below a letter supplied for publication by Sandra McIver a member of Northern County Lady Curlers.
The letter is to Inverness Ice Centre regarding I C L C thoughts on discussions taking place between the Inverness Ice Centre Board and “High Life”.
The relevance of course to us is that Moray Council has had a presentation from “High Life” on the very same subject with regard to Moray Leisure Centre, this discussion was instigated by T M C prior to any public knowledge that the M L C was finding its self in financial difficulties.
Northern Counties Lady Curlers
Inverness Ice Centre
Dear Board Members
This letter is on behalf of Northern Counties Lady Curlers to express our concern and disquiet about the proposal for the Ice Centre to be managed by High Life.
At present the Ice Centre caters for a range of Curling Activities including Club Curling, Bonspiels and competitions both local and national. In doing so they provide an excellent service on and off the ice. Having experienced other centres where the facilities are managed by an external agency we have found this service to be of a poorer standard.
NCLC host a number of events and we are able to support the Ice Centre by providing additional items which would not be allowed if High Life were to be the managers. Our experience of food being supplied in centres with external management has been disappointing and some food being unable to be consumed.
Curling is a social sport and RCCC are trying to increase membership. This means we must keep our costs reasonable and we fear tis will not be the case id High Life takes over.
Our understanding is that the Ice Centre will still be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and repairs of the building, plant and outdoor areas so there is no benefit to the Centre there.
We feel that being managed by High Life will be have a detrimental effect on the present service provided by the Ice Centre.
Yours sincerely
Ann Gibb
Northern Counties Lady Curlers.