Proposal by Royal Club Board and Counter proposal from New Abbey Curling Club
Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual General
Meeting Saturday 27th June on Line 2 pm

Letter to Scottish Curling members, from Graham Lindsay, Chairman of the Board
Dear Member
You will have received the notice of the RCCC Annual General Meeting with a link to the online vote. I would like to share some information regarding the motion from New Abbey Curling Club, which you can view here

Currently, Scotland’s top curlers benefit from a financial investment of £1.7m per year from UK Sport. This funding comes as a direct result of winning medals at previous Winter Olympics and helps many of our top teams achieve success all over the world every year. The players train as professional athletes with world class support and we want this to continue.

If we do not allow a selection policy to be put in place, UK Sport may withdraw their funding. The consequences for the future would be:

  • The performance pathway programmes would be lost which could result in Scotland not qualifying for future World Championships.
  • This would result in Scotland not gaining qualifying points to allow GB to be involved in future Olympics
  • We would not be able to financially support the next generation of aspiring Olympians.
  • Other countries with performance funding could overtake our teams in world rankings.
  • The inability to gain a competitive edge against international rivals by playing against them worldwide.
  • Loss of the TV coverage and promotional benefit that participation in the Winter Olympics brings.

Please note: This selection decision is only for the Olympic cycle to 2022.

The World Championships in 2021 will be the only opportunity to gain qualifying points for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. You may not like the change to selection but it will provide the best Scottish curlers with greatest opportunity to compete against the best teams in the world. If you are going to vote, please think of the consequences, look to the future and not at the past. If you would like to read more detailed information from the board it can be seen here.

I will be voting against the New Abbey Curling Club motion and encourage members to consider the points I have made before you cast your vote.

Graham Lindsay


Hi Bill
Please could you put the attached letter onto the website to ensure both sides of the argument are aired.
Many thanks,

Detail of proposal posted against The R.C.C.C Boards Motion

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