The Province President welcomed everyone to the Forum and explained that its purpose was to inform club members about what was happening in the Province and to give club them the opportunity to ask questions, raise any issues they wished to have discussed and make any suggestions that they thought appropriate.
MLC Return to Curling Update
Cameron Clark updated the meeting.
Curling is planned to start on the 4th of January
It is planned to lay the ice down before Christmas
It is anticipated that 4 sheets will be used and that sheet “C” will be left vacant
Session start times with staggered starts still to be decided. Possibly 6.30 t0 8.45pm and 9.00pm to 11.15pm
Benches would be available for shoe changing
Controlled entry/exit via the sheet “B” fire door
Curlers required to phone the Leisure Centre in advance giving name and contact number and paying by card for their own ice
All equipment will be sanitised prior to each session and sanitiser and wipes will be available at both ends of each sheet
Curlers to use the same stones throughout the game
No spectators allowed and only those who have pre-booked will be permitted access to the ice rink
All Club Covid Officers will be invited to take part in an informal walk through the facility with the Rink Covid Officer
Face masks will be required when not on the ice and when moving about the building
Bill Jaffrey updated the meeting on his programme planning for the start of curling.
Four leagues consisting of six teams playing each other once
Safety protocols will be sent out to all the skips
The League KO to be played
The Points will not be played
A decision on whether to run the Pairs Competition still to be taken
A decision about promotions/demotions at the end of the season still to be finalised
One team from the East and two from the West have dropped out of the League for the forthcoming season. One team from last season’s East Division 1 did not enter, so from Division 2, two teams were promoted and one relegated; this was because Division 3 had one withdrawal at beginning of season (the 3rd finishing team), therefore, there were two promotions from Division 3 and one relegation from Division 2. One Division 3 team withdrew due to Covid, so an extra team was moved up from Division 4 to Division 3.
Graeme Govan anticipates 14 teams playing in Superleague with 8 in Division One and 6 in Division Two. He invited anyone who wished to play in Superleague to get in touch with him (
Matthew Smith was thanked by the President for his work upgrading the Province website. The content from the old website is in the process of being transferred onto the new one.
Bill Nicol was thanked for the considerable amount work he has carried out scanning archive material which will eventually be available for members to view on the new website. Archive material has also been transferred onto a memory stick which will allow many of the paper records, which are bulky and take up space, to be disposed of.
The MLC Christmas Bonspiel will not be held this year.
Should it go ahead, the National Virtual Club Bonspiel is due to be hosted by MLC in March.
The Scottish Curling Covid Guidelines will be sent to all the Province clubs for distribution to their members.
Should non attendees have any queries raised by the minutes E:g
Session Times, controlled entry, Ice Payment, Club covid Officers,
then contact Mike P direct.