Nominations for Vice Presidents and Director
The R C C C have received the following nominations at the close of business on the 14th February.
Vice President (one vacancy) Billy Howat (Cumnock and District Curling Club)
Directors (two vacancies)
Iain Baxter (Corstorphine Curling Club)
Alan Durno (Fochabers Curling Club)
David Hardie (Crocketford Curling Club)
Alastair MacNish (Gourock Curling Club)
Members will be given the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidates online and by post in advance of the forthcoming AGM.
Members who wish to cast their vote in person can do so at the AGM itself on production of their 2013-2014 membership card. Details of voting procedures and the timetable will be advised at a later date on this website and by email to those where we hold an email address.
The 176th Annual General Meeting of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club will be held at: Dewar’s Centre, Perth on Saturday 14th June 2014 at 2 pm.
To nominate an individual for any of the categories above and for more information visit the news section of the R C C C website.