Sochi 2014 Paralympic Olympics GB
It always seemed the time for the “The Winter Olympics” was so far away and then when they did arrive there was no time for anything else.
Curling obviously got my full attention, however other winter sports that i had never watched before amazed me and to be honest i spent more hours watching the winter Olympics than i did the summer Olympics and once they were finished i thought everything would be back to normal.
Well that theory did not last for long as we are now into the Winter PARALYMPICS which has already grabbed my attention obviously the curling but again all the other sports that make heroes out of common men and women.
The big interest again for us is the curling but this time wheelchair curling to me a completely different skill to standees, the wheelchair curlers have no sweepers. Can you imagine how many of your own stones would have been lost without your sweepers and can you imagine curling without balling and shouting hurry hurry or up up at the top of your voice, the temperament of these wheel chair curlers has to be admired i defy any standee to be so calm as they are. I am not talking nerves as i think they are bound to be on par with us as far as that goes.
To increase the interest if that is possible we have two local men in the GB team Gregor Ewan and Jim Gault both obviously excellent curlers but dare i say it both missed their vocation as comedians, Gregor for a laugh, but Jim you have to laugh at because he is always moaning.
If you look at the news page top right i have done an article on those from Moray who are involved with the Olympics and so i don’t intend to say more here.
With regards to progress of the team i am going to leave it to the experts and so if again you go to the news page you will see an RSS feed from the Royal Club which will keep you right up to date on results and progress.
In saying that keep a eye on the news page for any snip its i might get from somewhere, you can be sure i will share them with you.
Enjoy the Winter PARALYMPICS
Bill Nicol Web Mannie