Notification to Moray Province Clubs from Michael Pickthall
Dear Club Secretary,
The RCCC have announced that the Alan Steel Asset Management Indoor Grand Match 2015 is to be held on Saturday the 24th of October with Moray Leisure Centre one of 17 participating ice rinks throughout Scotland. This is a prestigious event and it is really important that the curling fraternity here in Moray do everything in their power to ensure that the occasion is a huge sucess. With the publicity that goes with an event of this significance it is a great opportunity to increase the profile of curling in this part of Scotland.
The Province will be setting up a sub committee consisting of representatives from all the clubs to organise the arrangements at Moray Leisure Centre in conjunction with the ice rink staff; I would ask you to publicise this among your members and nominate a representative or representatives to sit on the sub-committee to help with the planning and organisation. This is an exciting opportunity and I would urge all the clubs to play their part.
Meanwhile, I will keep you informed as and when I get more detailed information about what is required.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Pickthall
Province Secretary
The Alan Steel Asset Management Indoor Grand Match 2015 Guidelines
Each participating Ice Rink will offer its own unique experience. This will be organised by their local organising committee (L.O.C) for the Indoor Grand Match.
Date of Indoor Grand Match
Saturday, 24 October 2015
To be held in 17 ice rinks across Scotland
Murrayfield Curling Ltd will be the HQ (Hub) ice rink for the event
Title Sponsor
The title sponsor for the event is Alan Steel Asset Management.
The R C C C will provide each Ice Rink/L O C £23 per player to cover ice costs and basic catering provisions.
The R C C C will also provide a commemorative pack containing an official programme, pin badge, cloth badge and keepsake to each participant. These will be issued to each skip at Registration.
The day should be self-funding. However, it is expected that to make the experience a fun day alongside the business of curling, the L O C may organise various “extras”. Some ideas are given below. These would be funded by the local organising committee from, for example, fund-raising, local sponsorship and/or donations from Area, Provinces, Ice Rinks. As there is a title sponsor for this event, any additional sponsors should be acknowledged as a supporter rather than headline sponsor. Any enquiries on sponsorship or use of the official event logo should be made to
Basic Provision by Ice Rinks/L O C
- Ice sheets as agreed (at least 3 sessions starting 10.00, 12.45 and 15.30)
- Arrangements for scoring/umpiring and relaying recorded scores to Murrayfield Hub (info will be supplied regarding this)
- Drink at half-time “stacking of brooms”
- Catering -hot/cold Buffet or served two course meal for all curlers. Tea/coffee and biscuits available from 9.00am
- Bar available
- Letter/e-mail from L O C to visiting clubs and the Indoor Grand Match Committee with details of:
Programme for the day.
Refreshment provision
Entertainment (if applicable)
Names of local hotels
Contact name/e-mail
Suggestions for “Extras”
1. Photographer
Theme for the day with encouragement to wear some item of “fancy dress” or tartan, e.g. Stirling’s Braveheart theme in 2010 (NB R C C C tartan ties and other items are available from Strathmore Woollens, Forfar). Other merchandise will be advertised through the R C C C website later.
- Small prizes e.g. two for each session and/or prize for best dressed (if appropriate).
- Entertainment -Piper to pipe on each session, area for socialising after the games.
- Some decoration of the rink-tartan, flowers etc.
- Sweets and soft drinks at end of ice.
- Starting “gun” if available to be fired to start Bonspiel at 10.00 am
Any queries from local organising committees about the I G M arrangements to Bob Smith at