To All curlers and clubs
Subject: Curling Season 2015/16
Dear Curlers,
Yet another season is close to commencement and as in previous years, the challenge increases to continue the enthusiastic approach to introduce individuals to the world of curling and to encourage existing curlers to learn more and participate in other competitions out with the Moray Leisure Centre.
With this in mind, my term in office as Chairperson of the Moray Province Curling Development Group (MPCDG ) is to optimise the offers available to us through the RCCC and encourage more curlers to develop their skills and enjoy their curling more.
To achieve this, the MPCDG requires help and we have at present, a team of volunteers who are willing to coach or help with the challenge. This does not require to be onerous and the more helpers on the list helps reduce the load on others significantly.
I write to welcome you to the forth coming season but also to inform you that current regulations have changed regarding coaching children under the age of 16. This means that at present , anyone not having the correct certification,would not be able to help us with any coaching of the Junior Club.
The RCCC and MLC have requested that the current list we hold be updated and I would welcome your views on attending a one night course to gain a PVG certificate (Protecting Vulnerable Groups). This is a very casual course with no exam and lasts about two and a half hours. I am currently trying to arrange this venue in either Elgin or Inverness but require numbers before booking.
I would welcome your reply on whether you would be willing to update your status or ask to be removed from our current list.
We are also offering a one night tactics course run by the RCCC which is open to all curlers and will be held on the Friday 6th Nov in the Royal Findhorn Yacht Club. We have deliberately booked this course locally to save costs associated with travel.Cost is five pounds and includes tea coffee and biscuits. The following day, Sat 7th Nov,we also offer a one day Level 1 course at the same location for anyone interested in becoming a coach and this will be paid for by the MPCDG. Lunch in included. More details on these courses will be issued very soon.
I would recommend these courses to anyone wishing to not only become a coach but to enhance your curling skills.
Can I ask if you would respond to the request above regarding PVG and should you be interested in any of the above courses, please contact myself for further details.
Campbell Ross
Chair Moray Province Development Group