AS at 20/12/17
Sorry to those who have been asking for details of the visiting Canadian tour to Area 13 and in particular Moray Province during their tour of Scotland from January 10th to 3rd of February 2018?
I have not seen or heard of any detail regarding the tour except what we could glean from the Canadian Facebook page I published recently.
As at today there is more information from the Canadian tourists on the Royal Club site and includes some of the detail you have been requesting. The direct landing page link is as follows.…/strathcona-cup…/
It does not of course give you any detail if Moray teams have been selected or how they were selected, however it does state the Moray curlers play on 16th January @ 14:00 in the M.L.C, (4 rinks).
Should I be given any information to let Moray Province members know I will publish A S A P